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Dan Connors, Influence Consultant, Applied Influence Group

Dan Connors

Influence Consultant at Applied Influence Group

United Kingdom

About Me

We are a high-performing team of elite influencers who developed our expertise in the most high-stakes and extreme environments, successfully influencing entrenched mindsets and organisations on Military Intelligence operations around the globe.  

 The ubiquity of technology and expertise is removing competitive advantage from business. In an increasingly digital world, where the strength of our relationships defines our success, human influencing skills are more powerful than ever. 

 We exist to provide a competitive advantage to our clients through elite influence.  

 We do this by drawing on our unique heritage, influencing in life-or-death situations in extreme environments. We have codified that expertise and now take it businesses: we build elite influence capability in organisations and help them solve their toughest influence challenges.  

 There are 100 people in the world with our experience, the best now work for the Applied Influence Group. 

Creating Exceptional Value Through Elite Influence

Dan Connors's Passles

Applied Influence Group

Creating Exceptional Value Through Elite Influence

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Smiles And Smiles...

Smiles And Smiles...

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Influencing In Isolation: Practical Advice For Succeeding In A Changing Environment

Influencing In Isolation: Practical Advice For Succeeding In A Changing Environment

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A LESSON In Stress Management

A LESSON In Stress Management

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